How to raise male celentano at home

Some men are not happy with the size of their penis. This can lead to all sorts of disorders, especially in the sexual sphere. A penis that is too small often causes a loss of self -confidence and fear of having sex. But is this an unresolved situation?

small penis

The natural way

Many people ask the question: how to increase male chelentano at home? There are many interesting and proven ways to safely enhance your man’s dignity. These include supplements for penis enlargement, special exercises or accessories such as penis pumps or penis extensions, and folk remedies.

The members continue to grow until they are around 20 years old. And although growth stops over time, modern realities allow for the correction of these organs. Penis enlargement at home is a very real task.

There are many techniques and specialized techniques developed for penis enlargement. A man can only choose the most suitable and most suitable for a particular case. For example, you can increase your dignity in the comfort of your home by reading some of the thematic lessons found in this article. In addition, most of the following methods not only help change penis size and are popular ways to enlarge the penis, they can also help maintain and improve erectile function in the future.

Penis enlargement pills and gels

penis enlargement pills

This is the most popular and preferred method of penis enlargement. Gels and capsules are distinguished by their natural composition. Their work aims to stimulate various processes in the body, as the blood reaches the penis faster, which results in faster erections and increases its length. Enough to follow the dosage indicated by the manufacturer, and the penis will become bigger, stronger and longer in just a few months.

Using a pump

penis enlargement vacuum pump

The principle of operation of this device lies in the effect on low -pressure organs. To do this, the penis is inserted into a special device called a pump. Thanks to the movement of a piston -like device, blood flows strongly to the penis and weakly leaves it. The penis pump is a very suitable tool among men who do not know how to increase the thickness and length of male chelentano.

Penis elongation

penis elongation

As a result of using this tool, the penis is lengthened, although the user of the accessory does not immediately notice that the tool becomes thicker.The force produced by this tool stretches the penis and adapts it to the load. . . It is recommended to wear an extender for a few hours a day, which is not encouraging for many men.

Short acting tricks

short -term penis enlargement

Temporary penis enlargement is more easily achieved with local blood flow stimulation. A variety of medications that can be found in the trash help increase its effects.

Heparin ointment

heparin ointment for penis enlargement

A popular and inexpensive method to improve erections and enlarge the penis. It is sold without a prescription and is available at any pharmacy. Promotes blood thinning, prevents blood clotting, activates local blood flow.

It is rubbed in one course: rubbed into the skin of the penis 2 times a day for a week. Then you need to rest for 10-14 days, if desired, repeat the course. If a rash, itching or burning appears, discontinue use.

Sodium bicarbonate

soda for penis enlargement

Soda has a local irritating effect. When applied to the skin, it enters the cells and tissues of the penis, causing redness and slight swelling.

For penis enlargement, baking soda can be used as an active ingredient in homemade ointments (mixed with aloe vera, honey, olive oil), also in the form of baths or compresses. Learn more about penis enlargement methods using baking soda.


honey for penis enlargement

Natural preservatives with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. When applied to the skin, it softens, tones, improves blood circulation, accelerates regrowth and is filled with vitamins.

Thanks to these properties, it can be used to massage the penis even for teenagers to enlarge it. This is the safest method. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

To increase its effectiveness, honey is mixed with baking soda, aloe juice, beeswax or bulb balm. The last drug is taken in an amount not exceeding the head of a match. The mixture is applied to the skin of the penis shaft with a light massaging motion for 2-3 minutes and then washed off. During the massage, light movements such as stretching, rotation and pushing are done so that the active ingredient is absorbed faster.


petroleum jelly for penis enlargement

Penis enlargement with folk remedies involves the use of not only medicinal ingredients. At home, you can find a variety of medications used to enhance your dignity. One of the most popular is petroleum jelly, with which injections are made under the skin.

It is distributed in a very small space and the penis looks more beautiful. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to block the organ at the base, pull the petroleum jelly into the syringe, insert it carefully under the skin and spread it throughout the whole.

This method requires careful maintenance and is best done in the presence of a medical professional.

Improper distribution of Vaseline can cause serious injury. However, doctors do not approve of penis enlargement for the following reasons:

  • the risk of foreign bodies getting under the skin, which can lead to the formation of inflammation;
  • without the right level of disinfection, a virus or infection can enter the bloodstream;
  • petroleum jelly can cause severe allergies if excessive;

The popular phrase claimed by women that "size doesn’t matter" is a bit absurd when a man knows that the first thing women admire is a big penis. If the genetics in this part of the anatomy does not turn, then there is a natural solution - folk remedies for enhancing male organs.

People's method

Big chicken

Of course, of the many ways to grow a phallus at home, it makes sense to choose one that will act on the body without causing side effects and without harming organs and systems. For this reason, men who want to increase their dignity choose the method of the people. Traditional medicine recipes have long been used to restore strength and regulate penis size. Along with other methods, herbal infusions can be used in parallel to achieve the desired results quickly.

  • Thyme. Improves the condition of the whole body and the genitourinary system separately. For the production of infusions, petals and stems are used, the roots are not suitable for this. Basic recipe: pour 100 g of thyme with a glass of boiling water. Drink half a glass of liquid that has been cooled and expressed twice a day.
  • Absinthe. The composition of plant components prevents the development of inflammation and has the effect of stimulating the functionality of the circulatory system, which contributes to the enhancement of the penis. To prepare the broth, you need to take 5 g of crushed absinthe and pour 1 liter of cold water. Boil for 10 minutes and take a cold drink daily, 250 ml 3 times a day. This procedure strengthens the blood vessels and makes the penis stretch and full of blood.
  • Garlic. It is recognized as an aphrodisiac that can increase male libido. With its help, you can enlarge the penis effectively at home. This product is best used in the form of tingtur: chopped garlic (10 cloves) pour 0. 5 liters of alcohol and stir well. Insist 10 days and take 20 drops a day for a month.
  • Aloe vera juice. A powerful bioprocess stimulant that has a positive effect on the body system. Making tingtur to enlarge the penis is not so difficult. Pour 0. 5 liters of quality vodka into a suitable container and add a few tablespoons of honey and chopped aloe vera leaves (500 g). Tingtur will be sent to a cool place for 7 days. The product is ready to eat in 2 tbsp. l. , one hour before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Ginseng. Plant roots are often used to increase libido. In it there is a whole list of biologically active drugs required for the activation of high -quality sexual tone. The most common way to take ginseng is to prepare an alcoholic product from its roots. Even the rulers of ancient times used this natural remedy to ensure the possibility of their wives being happy in the long run. In the manufacture of tincture, 60-70 g of dried roots are used, filled with 250-350 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol. Then the bottle is well closed and placed in a cool, dark room for 4 weeks. At the end of this period, the color must be shaken well, after which it is ready to use. For several months, you should use 15-20 drops a day.

What exercises will help enlarge your penis?

changes in penis size

Before raising male celentano at home, training must be done on the basis of effective measures. In fact, to enlarge the penis significantly and permanently, and at the same time improve the erection, three simple exercises are enough. All other exercises are based on the same foundation. The exercises described here are enough to achieve effective penis enlargement.

The penis ismuscle,As in sports, it is very important to take the time to warm up to achieve good results in the following exercises and to minimize the risk of injury. The first thing to do is to warm up the tissue to bring the penis to a good "starting position" before exercise. You need to warm the celentano cloth with a towel after dipping it in hot water. Squeeze well and wrap the penis. Wait about 3 minutes and repeat the procedure again - then you can start training.


jelqing for penis enlargement

Jelqing is the most popular method of penis enlargement. This exercise trains the length and thickness of the penis and improves erection. On the Internet, you can watch video tutorials using this exercise.

Here are the basic steps for jelqing training:

  1. Connect your thumb and forefinger together to make an OK signal.
  2. Hold the penis with your fingers near the abdomen.
  3. Squeeze the penis slightly and slowly move your hands forward - this will take about 3 seconds.
  4. Loosen your grip as your hand slides over the petals of the penis. While jelqing, do not press the head.
  5. Let go of your hands.
  6. Repeat all steps up to 20 times 5 times a week.

It is very important that the thumb and forefinger surround the shaft of the penis. It is necessary to find the position of the hand as in which the man feels most comfortable. It is also good to change your position from time to time.


stretching for penis enlargement

Growth by excessive stimulation is the motto of penis stretching. To do this exercise, the limbs must be in a moist state. As with jelqing, you need to form an "OK" sign. The ring obtained from the finger is squeezed and brought to the head for 4-6 seconds. The limb, in a tense state, should be perpendicular to the pubic bone (parallel to the floor if the exercise is done while standing).

Working with alternating hands should be symmetrical with the same pressure on the shaft of the phallus, which excludes the possibility of curvature. It is important to do all the movements according to the rules, because not every man knows how to make a big penis at home, so besides all that, you need to consult a urologist.

If during training the level of erection increases sharply, it is recommended to rest for a while until the arousal drops to the required level.

Kegel training

kegel exercises for large chickens

One of the most famous penis enlargement exercises is by far the Kegel series for men, which includes strengthening the pubococcygeal muscles. (which contracts when urinating) to better control erections and manage problems with premature ejaculation.

The idea is to strengthen the pelvic base, better control ejaculation and achieve a larger erection. To do this exercise, you first need to do a contraction session (10 to 20 each time), by holding the contracted muscle for about 5 seconds.

It is better to take a comfortable position, hold the penis, sling the PC muscles in an upright position. It is important to adapt this training practice to the desired level. At first, of course, you won’t be able to hold the clamped muscle for 5 seconds, this is normal, so you don’t have to force yourself until the opposite effect doesn’t go away. Gradually, your PC muscles become stronger, and you will notice the difference, the purpose of which is to improve and control these muscles during sex.

In conclusion

Sexuality is a fundamental part of human life. Since time immemorial, the male penis has been considered a symbol of strength and power. The average penis length is 13 - 12 cm. But if it is less than usual, and the girl should be impressed now. . . is it possible to increase the penis by 10 cm per month?

Of course, if you tackle this problem carefully and reunite all of the above techniques. But the choice depends on the individual man. The main rule is to be patient and exercise regularly to get a lasting effect.